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What Type of Bench Press Equipment is Best?

The bench press has been popular among weight lifters and bodybuilders. The bench press is what's often used to measure one's upper body strength.

Not only will it increase the strength of your chest, triceps, and shoulders, but will also build your reputation. To know more about bench press you can visit

Each variation of the bench press has its own purpose. If you would prefer to work out from home as opposed to a gym, then here is a guide to the bench press equipment that is available.

Standard or Flat Bench

It's commonly found at home and commercial gyms. An ideal flat bench would have supports for the bar as well. Most of these benches do have several racking heights to accommodate taller and shorter individuals.

Some spotter arms come with the ability to adjust them vertically. Of course, you can a less expensive buy flat bench without spotter arms. Doing so would mean using dumbbells instead of a barbell. I actually prefer the latter because each side gets worked equally.

Incline Bench Tool

An incline bench press is recommended if you want to focus on the middle and upper part of the chest. Anyone who wants a thick, bulky chest should do the incline variation.

Quite a few bodybuilders prefer the incline because of the results you get, and because they claim it's a more natural motion.