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Kosher Salt: A Healthy Alternative To Table Salt

What is kosher salt? Salt that has been created by using the exact specifications of Jewish law in order to help preserve Jewish foods. It is usually much cheaper than regular table salt and comes in a variety of colors.

What it's like? Kosher salt isn't as refined as table salt but is just as fine. Its smaller flakes don't compact as nicely, so a small pinch isn't as fine and not as coarse.

When should I use kosher salt? Kosher salt comes in a variety of colors, from light yellow and light orange to dark orange, dark brown, and chocolate brown.

Sea salt on the other hand is what we call rock salt. It comes in a large variety of colors including gray, brown, black, white, and a smattering of orange and red. Sea salt also comes in a larger variety of textures. Some sea salt contains tiny traces of magnesium and calcium, which is very important to your health.

What should you keep kosher salt in? You can store kosher salt in a bowl in the refrigerator for up to a month or freeze it until you're ready to put it into dishes, such as in salads and in soups.

How should you mix sea salt and table salt? By hand is the best method, but it takes more time and there's more risk of the table salt getting mixed with the sea salt. If the two aren't already mixed properly, it can make for an unattractive dish. Mix the two using a mixer attachment on a food processor or with a spoon.

How much sea salt should you put in? It all depends. The amount of sea salt you put in will depend on whether you're preparing a delicate dish or something that's more of a fast-food type of meal. If you're making a salad or a seafood dish, a pinch of sea salt goes a long way, while a large pinch won't make a difference in a fast food recipe.

What's the best way to eat it? Kosher sea salt has a unique, salty taste that's not found in table salt, so it's the best option for fast food and quick meals. This is especially true for the elderly, children, and those with stomach problems. Also, sea salt can help prevent colds.

Can I use it for baking? Yes, sea salt can be used in baking as well. It works well when added to fruit compote and also in the baking process. In fact, the most delicious way to prepare this salt is to top cakes with it and then drizzle it over them before serving.

What kind of grinder do I need for my salt? There are many different kinds of salt grinders on the market today, and it really depends on the kind of salt you want to use and how often you'll be using it. If you have coarse kosher salt, then a coarse grinding wheel is best, and it won't take too long to grind up your kosher salt.

If you have fine sea salt, you'll be better off with a finer grinder. This will ensure a uniformity level and give it a more flavorful feel. Also, coarse sea salt tends to taste better with certain foods, like cheese or meats.

So how does kosher salt compare with table salt? According to studies, kosher salt has a higher concentration of minerals than table salt, including calcium, magnesium, and iron. These minerals are good for your overall health and help your body absorb the nutrients that food provides.

A healthy diet that includes a daily dose of sea salt helps the body retain its ability to absorb vital nutrients. And just think, you can use this same natural ingredient in place of table salt in recipes and even baking to add flavor to your favorite foods.