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How Does The Mental Health Parity And Addiction Equity Act Work?

The mental health parity and addiction equity act of 2008 (MHPAEA) is a federal statute that requires employers to provide mental health and addiction coverage at the same level as physical health coverage.

The mental health parity and addiction equity act applies to employers with fifteen or more employees. An employer must provide mental health and addiction coverage in the same manner as it provides other types of medical coverage, including through an employee’s regular employer-sponsored health insurance plan or any other type of plan offered by the employer.

However, an employer may not require employees to obtain additional mental health or addiction benefits through the employer in order to receive mental health or addiction coverage. Employers must comply with the MHPAEA regardless of whether they have medical insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare benefits, or any other type of healthcare coverage. If an individual is covered under a group policy that includes mental health and addiction benefits, then the group policy must comply with the MHPAEA.

Mental health parity and addiction equity are important concepts that need to be understood by businesses in order to provide the best possible care for their employees. When these concepts are put into practice, it creates a level playing field for employees with mental health and addiction issues, as well as allowing them to receive the same treatment as other workers who may have physical injuries or illnesses.