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Mindfulness And Meditation: Is It The Newest Secret To Success?

In Silicon Valley, mindfulness and meditation are the newest secrets to success. However, this was not the practice of seeking enlightenment for children's flowers of the 1960s.

Instead, business leaders are redesigning to fit their culture focused lives and places where it is needed with thought leaders like Ariana Huffington speaking publicly about their practices. If you’re looking for more information about mindfulness in Silicon Valley check this out.


Image Source: Google

Unsurprisingly, Google runs a meditation parade with several internal initiatives such as Mindful Lunches, a quiet lunch break apart from the sound of prayer bells, and an Inside Yourself workshop, which is so popular with Google employees that it has become an accessible program for all.

Embraced like new caffeine, corporate meditation sessions are becoming increasingly popular like the ping pong table in the office, not believing that second-time business owners are failing to get a return on investment.

A dysfunctional office can affect companies with multiple personalities and communication disorders, leading to clashes with coworkers and a general lack of creativity, productivity, and satisfaction. Emotional intelligence teaches you not only to recognize your own emotions but also to understand your co-workers' reasons. 

It creates a thriving office community with advanced emotional skills that guide behavior. They know the will that proves when there is a special conference of their own, and Wisdom 2.0 is just that, a series of events that bring the technical community closer to yoga teachers and attention.