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Important Tips for Finding a High-Quality Home

The housing market is booming, and eager buyers are seeing new houses across Wisconsin. When comparing comparable-looking homes in similar regions, however, the most significant attributes may not be as obvious.

Once you've decided on a neighborhood or area, you should start evaluating the building standards and features offered by each of the local homebuilders.

We've compiled a list of the most critical things to inquire about in order to verify that the home you're considering is a keeper. You can look for a high-quality home in Wisconsin online.

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The Foundation

Find out what type of foundation the houses have first. The soil in Wisconsin is notorious for causing shifting and cracking in home foundations, which leads to sloping floors, cracked walls, and sticky windows and doors.

The Roof

The second most important part of a home after the foundation is the roof. Roofs with poor framing can leak and buckle on the exterior, as well as cracking and nails piercing ceilings on the inside. While many mass builders employ prefabricated roof trusses, putting in a little extra effort can result in a roof that is considerably more solid and safe.

The Framing

The overall stability and character of a new home's structure are also influenced by the way it is framed. Steel framing is the best framing method for home construction.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that volume builders can cut corners and save money at the homeowner's expense.