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How Long Before a Sofa Starts to Look Dirty

If you're like most people, your sofa is probably one of your most-used pieces of furniture. So it's important to take care of it and have it cleaned regularly. Here are some tips for finding the best sofa cleaning services:

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First, ask around. Talk to friends, family, and neighbors to see if they know of any good cleaning companies. You can also search online for reviews of different companies.

Second, consider what type of service you need. Do you need a full-blown clean including removal of the fabric coverings? Note that some companies offer both types of services.

Third, look at the price. How much will the service cost? Is there a minimum fee? How long will the service take? Are any extras included?

Finally, take measurements. Make sure to provide the cleaning company with detailed information about the dimensions of your sofa – including the height and width.

What to Expect from the Sofa Cleaning Process?

1. Research the available options. There are a lot of couch cleaning services out there, so it can be tough to decide which one is right for you.

2. Set up an appointment. Once you have a few contenders down, it's time to set up an appointment to see which one is best for you. Make sure to arrive early so the cleaner can get started on time. 

3. Agree on a price and timeline. Once you're all set up, the cleaner will give you an estimate for the work required. You'll also need to decide on a price range, as this will determine how much you'll pay per hour of work.