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Categorization of Cyber Security Services

Cyber security services are classified according to the level of risk they pose to organizations. There are three levels of cyber security: basic, enhanced, and comprehensive.

Basic cyber security services which you can get by visiting can provide protection against viruses, spyware, and other malware.

Enhanced cyber security services include features that help detect and prevent data breaches and attacks on systems. Comprehensive cyber security services include both basic and enhanced features.

Organizations can choose which type of service best suits their needs. For example, a small business that does not regularly receive malicious emails or visit dangerous websites may only need basic cyber security services.

A larger organization that receives more malicious emails and visits more suspicious websites may want enhanced services. 

Some cyber security services are also categorized by their type of protection. These services include:

-Vulnerability scanning: Scans systems for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

-Data encryption: Encrypts data to make it difficult for thieves to steal it.

-Anti-virus software: Protects computers from viruses and malware.

-Firewalls: Blocks unauthorized access to systems.

Keep up to date with the latest trends in cyber security. This will help you identify potential threats and protect your business against them.

Make sure all your devices are protected by up-to-date antivirus software.

Regularly back up your data so that you can restore it if needed.

Install firewalls and anti-virus software on all of your devices.

Educate your employees about the dangers of cybercrime and how to protect themselves.