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Importance of Maintaining your New Custom Home

You are very happy that your new custom home is ready. But, you need to have a good maintenance plan for your custom home. A newly built home doesn't mean that it is going to stay that way forever. The look and feel of your new custom home for a longer period of time will depend on how well maintain your home. Regular maintenance is mandatory. Trying to fix a broken drainage system can give you sleepless nights.

Having a person dedicated to the maintenance of your home plays a big role in the long term health of your home. A well-kept home will keep you and your family members healthy and happy. You should set aside at least four percent of your home's value on its maintenance every year. Trying to cut cost on this may end up costing you a lot more later on. Maintenance doesn't mean just cleaning your home daily. It includes home repairs too. You should always monitor the health of your home's roof and get the necessary repairs done on a regular basis. You have to make sure that the drainage system is always in good condition. Neglecting the drainage system can give you a lot of headaches later.