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Cloud PBX Office Telephone

A cloud PBX office telephone system is probably one of the most cost-effective and flexible solutions out there in the market today. Through the deployment of intelligence and programming of the VoIP service providers can save about 50% all the way up to 70% on your phone bill.

But like other good solutions, there are also some things you need to know for a successful deployment. There are many companies that provide the best cloud telephony system for businesses.

Internet connection – One of the most important aspects that you need to look into before even considering a cloud PBX office telephone system is our internet connection.

Your bandwidth requirement will depend on how many handsets you want to have and how many computers are connected to it. 

Make sure you tell your ISP your intentions to use VoIP so they can remove any firewall and allow all VoIP traffic. Modem and router – Some businesses tend to overlook or their modem and router. But make sure that you do not make the same mistake.

Modem and router are very important because it will serve as the termination point of your bandwidth. Some older models cannot handle VoIP traffic good so it is best to replace the old with the new model of the service provider would you recommend to avoid inconvenience during the operation of your business.

Cloud PBX office phone system lets you choose your handset, you can go to computer-based IP phones and softphones even use a phone or tablet. But before you get excited and jump up and settle for one there is also need to know consideration.