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The Ultimate Guide To Installing Central Air

The summer heat is becoming unbearable and the idea of turning on the air conditioner to beat the summer heat is becoming more appealing. If you are thinking about installing central air, then this article will walk you through all of the steps for a successful air conditioning fitting.

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.What is Central Air Conditioning?

Assuming you don't already know, central air conditioning is a system that helps to cool your home using a single unit. The unit is usually located outside the home, and it circulates cooled air through a system of ducts that deliver the air to different rooms in your house. Central air conditioning is a great way to keep your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months.

There are a few things you should know before you install central air conditioning in your home. 

  • You need to have an adequate cooling system in place. 
  • You need to make sure that your ductwork is properly sized and installed. Incorrectly sized or installed ductwork can cause problems with your central air conditioner, including decreased efficiency and increased noise levels.
  • You need to choose the right location for your new central air unit. The unit should be placed in an area where it will get plenty of airflows and where it won't be obstructed by trees, shrubs, or other objects.
  • You need to decide whether you want a single-stage or two-stage central air conditioner.