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Oral Language Development In After School Programs

After school programs provide a unique opportunity for the development of spoken language in students. The informal nature of most programs, coupled with small class sizes, means that this arrangement is generally more suitable for spoken language than most of the regular school day classes.

Daily Oral Language Experience

Experience spoken language refers to the opportunity for students to speak in different situations to achieve certain goals. For example, students may speak informally with each other during snack time. To get more information about after school program you can also visit

Although the two experiences of spoken language require a very different skill, they both contribute meaningfully to the development of students' language.

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Informal language

The development of informal spoken language is referred to as a conversation between students and teachers. For example, when students eat a snack, staff members must engage students in conversation.

Guided Oral Language

A guided discussion in small groups is a powerful way to build students' language abilities. Most after school programs can easily include 10 or more small groups or discussion partners every day. It can be very short, one or two minutes, and focus on the question of a single push.

Oral presentations and Performances

Oral presentations and performances are another great way to encourage the development of spoken language. Drama and language games can be easily incorporated into the after school setting to provide instruction in the elements of a good presentation of the spoken language.

The skills that students develop in settings where they are taught and can practice skills of many strong oral presentations: ideas, organization, sentence fluency, voice or style, word choice, and conventions or grammar. These skills are invaluable. They will serve students well in a variety of situations in every stage of their education and in every stage of their lives.