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Physical Therapy for ACL Injury: What to Expect

When an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury occurs, physical therapy is a key part of the rehabilitation process. Physical therapy helps patients to regain their strength and mobility, as well as reduce inflammation and pain caused by the injury. But what exactly can patients expect when they begin physical therapy for an ACL injury?You can find Physical Therapy for Tendon and Ligament Injuries and Conditions – Greendale Physical Therapy in MA: Shrewsbury, Worcester, Clinton & Marlborough.

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The first step in physical therapy for an ACL injury is an evaluation by a physical therapist. The physical therapist will assess the knee joint, evaluate range of motion, strength, and stability, and create an individualized plan for rehabilitation.

Depending on the severity of the injury, physical therapy may include range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises, and balance exercises. The physical therapist may also use a variety of modalities such as ice, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and massage to reduce inflammation and pain.

Physical therapy is designed to help the patient regain their strength and mobility, allowing them to return to activities they enjoy. As the patient progresses, the physical therapist will adjust the exercises and intensity to ensure the patient is making progress. The physical therapist will also provide advice on how to modify activities to protect the knee joint and prevent future injuries.

Finally, physical therapy is also designed to help the patient improve their overall quality of life. The physical therapist will provide advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage pain, as well as strategies to help the patient cope with the mental and emotional effects of the injury.

Overall, physical therapy is a vital part of the rehabilitation process for an ACL injury. Physical therapists are specially trained to assess the knee joint, reduce inflammation and pain, and help the patient regain their strength and stability. Physical therapy can also help to prevent future injuries and improve the overall quality of life of the patient. If you or a loved one has suffered an ACL injury, contact a physical therapist today to learn more about what to expect from physical therapy for ACL injuries.