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Types of Conversational AI Platforms

There are a few different types of conversational AI platforms. The first is natural language understanding (NLU). This type of platform uses a computer’s natural ability to understand human conversations. NLU platforms can be used for tasks such as customer service, management, and automation. 

The second type of conversational AI platform is machine learning (ML). ML platforms use artificial intelligence algorithms to learn from data and automatically improve over time. ML platforms can be used for tasks such as customer service, marketing, and automation. 

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The third type of conversational AI platform is deep learning (DL). DL platforms use artificial intelligence algorithms that are built on layers of neural networks. These layers allow the machine to learn complex patterns and concepts. DL platforms can be used for tasks such as customer service, marketing, and automation.

We believe that the AI revolution will have many positive benefits for the economy, but it will also have lots of challenges along the way. The question is whether we as a society can identify and address these challenges before they become bigger problems, or whether we will be forced to deal with them after they take their toll on our society’s most vulnerable populations.  However, it’s clear that we are at the very beginning of a new era where there is enormous potential for more rapid and widespread change in our economy.