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How to Clean and Maintain a Regal Hookah

The Regal Hookah is a popular choice for those who enjoy smoking hookah. It is a stylish and luxurious piece of equipment that provides an enjoyable experience. In order to keep your Regal Hookah in its best condition, regular cleaning and maintenance is essential. Here is a guide to help you maintain and clean your Regal Hookah

First, you need to disassemble the hookah. Remove the stem from the vase and take out all the internal parts including the bowl, hoses, and other accessories. Make sure to use a soft cloth to clean the vase and stem.

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Next, clean the internal parts. Soak the parts in warm, soapy water and use a hookah brush or cotton swab to scrub off any residue. Rinse off the parts with clean water and let them air dry. 

After the parts are clean and dry, you can reassemble the hookah. Make sure all the parts fit securely and properly.

Finally, you need to maintain the hookah regularly. Change out the water in the vase after each use and wash the bowl and hoses every few uses. This will help to keep the hookah clean and prevent residue build-up.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Regal Hookah will last for years to come. Regular cleaning and maintenance will help you maintain the quality of your hookah and ensure you enjoy the best smoking experience.