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How Do You Pass A Personality Test?

Employers use personality tests or behavioral assessments during their hiring process to help prioritize their list of candidates or guide a structured interview process. They are ultimately trying to predict if your behavior is a good fit for a specific role or broader workplace culture.

Here are three easy best practices for personality tests from

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1. Be honest.

The ultimate goal of behavioral assessments and other pre-employment tools is to gauge fit. Nobody’s looking to trip you up with these questions. Quite the opposite—they’re looking to set you up for on-the-job success. 

By answering honestly, you ensure you’re giving employers the best possible look at the real you. For a role you potentially see yourself working in for months if not years on end, you don’t want to feel like you can’t be your authentic self.

2. Don’t overthink it.

Even if you’re committed to answering honestly, you may get nervous. Questionnaires aren’t everyone’s cup of tea—and that’s OK. Take a deep breath, read the instructions carefully, and answer to the best of your ability. 

Many behavioral assessments out there don’t have a time limit, so take advantage of that! Complete the assessment at the pace that’s right for you. If at any time you find yourself struggling or overthinking an answer, trust your instincts and move on to the next.

3. Embrace the fit.

As a job candidate, it’s perfectly acceptable and recommended that you ask the employer questions related to the workplace culture or specific role that will give you a sense of the behaviors they are looking for. 

Regardless of whether assessments are involved, asking these questions will help you better understand if you think the job is worth going after. It will also show the employer that you are truly interested in finding a good fit for all.