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How do you make a double sided business card?

If you're looking for ways to make your business stand out from the crowd, you may want to consider buying a batch of double-sided cards. These cards are unique because they are printed on both sides. Double-sided cards offer many advantages compared to printing on one side.

First, double-sided cards allow your card to stand out above the rest. Projecting that images provide more information to your prospect or client, you will win them every time. You can also try using a matte black stainless steel card for a unique effect via

If your prospects receive a double-sided business card, it will show that you are a professional and that your business has a sense of elegance. Two side cards that are more expensive to print, but go a long way in making a good first impression.


Two sides of the card also allow you to fit more information on your card. Have you ever received a business card that looks messy? Only on the front, there is a name, address, telephone number, company name, and mission.

This disaster is not good for your client, because it is very difficult to read and understand. If you offer double-sided cards, you can store all of your contact information on one side, and then add a mission statement or other custom text on the other side. Just imagine what you could use an extra hand for.