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Everything You Need To Know About Wearing Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are an increasingly popular choice for those looking to correct their vision without the hassle and look of eyeglasses. Wearing contact lenses can be a great way to improve your vision while still feeling comfortable and stylish. 

There are two main types of contact lenses: those that correct your vision and those that are purely cosmetic. There are also hybrid lenses, which are a combination of the two.

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Corrective lenses are made to improve your vision, just as eyeglasses do. The most common type of corrective lens is the spherical lens, which has one power throughout its entire surface. This type of lens is used to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness. 

Toric lenses are designed to correct astigmatism, which is when your cornea (the front surface of your eye) is not perfectly round. Multifocal lenses have multiple powers in them and are used to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness.

Cosmetic contact lenses change the color or appearance of your eyes for a short period of time. These lenses can be worn even if you have perfect vision. They come in many different colors and styles, such as cat-eye or vampire contacts.

Hybrid contact lenses are a combination of corrective and cosmetic lenses. They have two distinct zones: one that corrects your vision and one that changes the color or appearance of your eyes.

There are many benefits to wearing contact lenses, including:

1. They can be more comfortable than glasses.

2. They provide better vision than glasses.

3. They are less likely to fog-up than glasses.

4. They don't require cleaning as glasses do.

5. You can wear them while playing sports.

6. You can wear them in the pool or shower.