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Trend Of Hookah Smoking

Hookah smoking is a part of the story for about 400 years. Typically, those who engage in this social activity do it in a narghile bar or coffee shop. 

In recent years, the Narghile hookah has made its entry in the United States and Canada. They are very popular among University students. You can also try Alpha hookah for the best vaping experience. 

What is a hookah?

A hookah (or hook) is a water pipe. These have been used for centuries in Asia and the Middle East for smoking. It is a growing trend among adolescents and young adults.

A hookah is composed of four parts:

  1. A smoke room or a base that is partially filled with water. 
  2. A bowl containing tobacco and a heating source. 
  3. A pipe that connects the bowl to the base and plunges into the water from the base. 
  4. A pipe (second tube) in the pipe does not plunge into the water but opens in the air in the base allowing the user to inhale smoke. 

When a smoker inhales through the tube, a pressure difference requires air in front of the heating source, tobacco; Therefore, it releases smoke. 

Shisha or Sheesha

Shisha is the flavored hookah tobacco. There is a myriad of flavors available, including licorice, a wide selection of flavors of fruit, mint, pink, herbals, spices, molasses, and even the flavor of Cola.

Guide: Choose The Right Exterior Paint Finish For Your Home

When it comes to wall painting an important element to consider while choosing the paint is its finish. There are a range of exterior paint finishes you can choose from for your home but the trick is to make the correct choice. Not every paint finish is the same and meant to be applied on every surface, this is a thumb rule you need to keep in mind always. You can also look for the best wall paint test via

The Best Wall Paints on Amazon – SheKnows

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Below mentioned are the choices exterior paints offer that you can choose from.

Textured finish: Textured paints are hugely popular choices for exterior paints. Exterior walls need to be rough and sturdy to bear the heat, wind, and dust that changing seasons come along with.

Applying textured finish paints give a thicker coating to the walls and make them appear stronger. Making use of different brushes can help you get desired textures ranging from marble finish to concrete and much more.

Flat finish: Flat finish paints add a very clean and elegant look to the exterior walls. Such paints do not have any shine or gloss and when applied to the walls give an effect like the outer cover of an eggshell.

Light does not reflect through such paints and the walls painted with this emulsion finish are easy to clean. If you are a person who likes to clean up the walls and likes seeing them neat and tidy all the time then flat finish paints are apt for you.

Gloss finish: When making exterior paint choices you can consider gloss finish paints too. These paints have a high sheen in them which is very apt for painting surfaces like window panes, door handles, etc. If you want to highlight a specific area within your wall, a gloss finish will totally do justice to it.