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Invisalign: A Great Alternative To Braces

Invisalign has been making a lot of noise in recent years. Clear braces are an excellent alternative to traditional metal braces. No one wants a mouth full of metal and brackets.

It is natural for students to wear braces, but it is difficult to be taken seriously in a workplace with a mouth full of metal.

With Invisalign, you get a real smile without the inconvenience of braces. You can also consult a dentist before getting invisalign in Bend Oregon via

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Invisalign is designed to gradually smooth your teeth using a number of devices. If you are interested in Invisalign, the first thing to do is consult your cosmetic dentist. During this consultation, you can answer all questions about the Invisalign brand.

Here are some common questions:

How Long Do I Have To Use Invisalign? Invisalign liners work at about the same time as braces, and you get equally great results!

Is Invisalign Painful?

Invisalign does not require any invasive procedures, unlike traditional braces, which scratch the gums and cause blisters and pain. With Invisalign, you don't need wax to cover raw blemishes.

Invisalign is like an invisible latch that you can grab and take out, so you can take it off whenever you want. However, for best results, we recommend leaving Invisalign at any time to prevent your teeth from turning back.

When Can I Remove My Invisalign?

The only way to get rid of it is by eating or drinking something other than water. Leaving Invisalign at any time can be potentially dangerous and cause the entire process to repeat itself.

So, Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces. Consult your nearest dentist before getting one.