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What Will Happen If You Delay Filing Your Taxes?

If you delay filing your taxes, The Internal Revenue Service is going to come calling. If you delay because you owe money, it won’t be good. The IRS is the most efficient collections service in the world. Whether you owe them money because of some mistake or you actually are slow to pay what they believe is owed, they are coming. You can also get the information about nationwide tax resolution online.

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Inaction is the worst response to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS hates to be ignored. In fact, they will not stand for it. Immediately upon receiving notification from the IRS, you need to take action. Otherwise, the IRS will begin to apply their particular brand of collection strategies. The strategy will begin by immediately imposing very high interest charges to the debt they say you owe.

In their arsenal they can also impose a Federal Tax Lien. Banks will block you from opening any new accounts, you will have no hope of getting a loan of any kind, your property and assets could be seized, and your credit record will be scarred for a long time to come.

Then, there is wage garnishment. If the IRS decides to garnish your wages in order to collect a tax debt, imagined or actual, they can take up to seventy-five percent of your net earnings from you every pay period. Do you think it would be possible for you to live on only twenty-five percent of your take home earnings? How long would it be before you are behind in every bill and facing the real threat of losing everything you have?

If the Internal Revenue Service sends you notification saying that you owe them money, you need to act right away. This problem will not go away simply by ignoring it. You might want to look into hiring a professional tax resolution service to aid you in this matter. If you decide to work with tax resolution professionals, you will want a diverse team to represent you. The best tax resolution teams consist of former Internal Revenue Service Agents, certified public accountants, and tax lawyers. Resolution professionals usually get strong positive results, quickly.