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What Is The Procedure For Applying In NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is an Australian-wide funding scheme that places the person with a disability in the center of their funding, giving them choice and control over how best to use their funds.

NDIS funding offers support in many areas that can help the person live independently and reach their goals. It's not a one-size fits all solution. Each person is assessed and a customized plan is developed to help them achieve their personal goals. Find an experienced ndis service provider by taking the help of the internet.

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You may be eligible if you are an Australian Citizen, permanent resident, under 65 years old, and have a permanent disability that has a functional effect on your daily living.

NDIA will contact you at the end of your plan to set up a review meeting. The meeting allows you to review your support goals and give feedback if needed. You can choose to review your plan face-to-face, or by phone. When your plan is being reviewed, you are invited to bring or include a friend, family member, advocate, or another person.

After your plan has been approved, you will most likely need to get support immediately. It's easy – simply let the Customer Experience Team know which support services are of interest to you. This team will help you understand your plan and provide further information. You can also learn more about our online disability support services.