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What Is A Garment Quality Control Checklist?

A textile quality control checklist provides a clear outline of all quality criteria and product specifications expected of sample garments before bulk production. Also called an Inspection Criteria Sheet (ICS), the textile quality control checklist can be used by quality control investigators from both the supplier and the manufacturer

Clothing manufacturing is quite common for the industry due to apparel manufacturing and quality control issues. These manufacturers and suppliers waste valuable time and money which could have been caught early. For more information about quality inspection service visit

 Garment Quality Control Checklist

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Communication Gaps

Apparel suppliers and manufacturers must continuously communicate and collaborate to ensure that everyone has an equal understanding of product and packing requirements. Addressing communication gaps early will help any issues arise in a timely manner and avoid delays that may disrupt manufacturing timelines.

Insufficient Information

Apparel quality officers should closely monitor every detail of apparel quality control procedures. Incomplete tech packs (a design blueprint) and inconsistent statements of quality standards are warnings that must be corrected immediately to avoid difficulty and additional production costs.

A detailed and understandable apparel quality control checklist will play a specific role in how the finished garment meets the expected specifications. Clarify the examination procedures, desired sample size, test schedules, and requirements for the apparel quality-control professional assigned to conduct the tests.