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Tips for presenting business cards

So you have a fresh set of beautifully printed business cards. You have worked on the design, have perfected your branding, and are confident that you and your business surround you amazingly and memorably. Now it's about bringing them closer to people so they can do their job.

If you are still confused about which card design best suits your type of business, you can take the advice of the professionals for the same. If you are looking for finest quality metal business cards, then you can browse the web.

The way you present your business cards to people can advertise as much about you as the cards, so it makes sense to think about how and when to deliver them to people. Listed below are some simple strategies to ensure your cards have the best chance of creating the perfect impression.

Store your cards in a neat, easy-to-open cardholder.

You want your cards to be as clean and sharp as the day you took them out of the printers when you turned them over. Also, make sure that the cardholder you are using is easy to open; You want to be able to hand the card over with ease without ever having to get stuck.

Present the card face up and the text facing the person you are giving it to.

To do this, people will be able to receive the main message instantly, without having to trigger it or, worse yet, leave it unread. Contacts who put the cards away without reading them are less likely to link your card to their conversations after the event, so they're less likely to follow through.