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Choosing Best Quality Seafood

Depending on the type of seafood you choose, you will find simple tips to ensure you buy the freshest product. You have to start with a high-quality seafood supplier. While picking seafood at your local grocery store, you cannot be sure whether it is the freshest choice or the best quality.

For most reliable seafood suppliers you can pop over to this site –

When it comes to buying seafood make the effort to find the best seafood market in the city. If you want to learn how to choose quality seafood, here are some tips:

When selecting wholesale seafood, make sure their eyes are bright and clear, not fog. Clear eyes are a sign that the fish is fresh, as they quickly begin to fade after several days out of the water.

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It is also important to look at the whole fish. Any sign of dullness in the color of the fish indicates that it is not fresh. Make sure you smell the fish too. It should smell fresh like the ocean, no fish or rotten.

For live seafood, do not assume that these are fresh just because they are in a tank. Look for the most active lobster or crab. Those who barely move or are stuck in the corner generally stayed there much longer.

In short, there are countless ways to prepare seafood and as many wonderful ingredients to choose from. Remember to limit yourself to only the freshest and most sustainable ingredients, such as Alaskan crustaceans or locally caught fish.