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The Ultimate Guide To Waxing At Home

Stay hair-free regime has become inevitable, both in terms of beauty and cleanliness. Waxing is considered the most appropriate way and hassle-free to remain fluffy. 

We often go to the salon. It can be very comfortable and well, expensive. However, with a variety of waxing in Hong Kong and hair removal wax kits available in the market, hair removal at home has become an effective money choice.

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Waxing at home can be done in the comfort of their own and have made the rest of the free hair quite easy. But before starting, knowledge of some basic things mentioned below are required.

Making the Right Selection of Wax

With an array of waxing kits available in the market, it becomes very important to choose products according to one's needs. One needs to choose between hard hair removal wax and soft wax hair removal kit. Both types differ in their use and are suitable for different body parts and skin texture.

Ready to Get a Kit Waxing

After the selection of a suitable product, one needs to have a complete waxing kit. An ideal waxing kit consists of wax, wax strips, powders, toners and scrubs. A candle engine heater is also required.


Exfoliation helps get rid of dead cells, softens the skin and helps in waxing less painful experience. It also inhibits the ingrown hair. Exfoliation increases the skin's health and leaves it refreshed.

Right Length Hair

Long hair should be in the range of ¼ to ¾ inch of wax to properly attach. Make sure the proper length of hair before waxing.

Direction Sense

The wax should always be applied along the direction of growth and should always be stripped in the opposite direction for growth. Rubbing a small strip and pulling up real fast with all your grit.