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Learning Indian Culture: Take A Trip Back In Time

To survive and thrive with Indians, it is advisable to learn something about their culture. Let's take the time to get to know India through its rich culture and legacy. You may also opt for study abroad course in India to know about Indian culture.

Language is only a communication tool used for effective communication between various races and communities. It doesn't matter what differences exist between people as long as there is effective communication, because this ensures a smooth life.

Indian language is considered part of the country's ancient culture. The main official language of the Republic of India is Standard Hindi, while English is the second official language.

Cultural syncretism and pluralism dominate the identity of the Indian cultural landscape. Throughout the long years of its existence, this nation has continued to be familiar with well-preserved traditions and beliefs, and demonstrated extraordinary flexibility in accepting aspects of the changing world.

At many levels, Indian society is still based on the strong ties of the caste system. Family values are very valuable in the Indian community. Although there are more nuclear families among houses throughout the country, households still have a standard of patriarchal dominance.

Indians love celebrations and it makes sense to dress well for celebrations. Your clothes are greatly influenced by the climate of the region. Common styles in Indian fashion include sari (or sari) for women and dhoti or lungi for men.

Indian architecture is the best reflection of the diversity of Indian culture. Within its limits there are landmarks that are highly recognized at the world class level.