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A Few Secondary Benefits of Solar Pool Covers

The main benefits of a solar pool cover are:

  • Solar pool covers have been built on the property of solar heating and really make a positive contribution to heating the pool water.
  • They also prevent evaporation which is a natural process with a cooling effect on the water.
  • They work very well with a solar pool heating system and helping to maintain a consistently warm temperature.

Secondary benefits of a solar pool cover are:

A solar swimming pool cover extends the length of your pool season. For a cool location, it will stop heat loss and maintain a pool of warmth generated by your heating system to an earlier day by preventing normal night temperature reduction. You can find a retractable roof through

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A solar swimming pool covers drastically reduce water-loss caused by evaporation. Evaporation is the process that removes the water from your pool all day. Their weekly or bi-weekly top-up that you previously should not be a thing of the past.

Swimming pool solar covers reduce the work around the pool because it prevents leaves, insects, and other debris from falling into the pool. This will reduce the number of pools cleaning you need to do.

Solar pool cover saves money. First, you will not pond water level as often as topping-up, your water bill will certainly be lower. Second, the pool will decrease your chemical bills. Evaporation is constantly throwing off the balance of chlorine in your pool. You should monitor the chemical levels constantly and keep adding more water to ensure good hygiene.

A solar swimming pool cover really makes a difference and worth the investment for improving the overall effectiveness of the solar swimming pool heating system.