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About Business Recycling Services

Proper disposal of solid waste has always been a point of contention between those who choose to pollute the planet and those who choose to protect it. It is important to ensure that proper recycling techniques are applied to organic waste to achieve long-term benefits for human health and ecosystems. 

Over the years, many hazards and health problems have arisen from improper waste disposal techniques. Solid waste in particular is a serious threat to the environment and public health. To get more details about the recycling services for businesses you may check it here.

recycling services for businesses

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The solid waste consists of: 

  • A lot of waste is classified as biodegradable food waste. 
  • Garbage includes combustible or non-combustible waste such as metal, glass, ceramics, paper, wood, and cloth. 
  • Industrial waste such as paint, sand, and chemicals. 
  • Ash is a residue that results from the combustion of solid fuels. 
  • Large-scale waste is generated from the demolition of buildings and the felling of trees. 
  • Treatment of solid wastewater consists of material retained in sludge, biomass sludge, and sewage treatment plants. 
  • The agricultural waste consists of plant remains and animal waste 
  • Mining waste, namely coal tailings and slag piles. 

A number of diseases can be caused when some chemicals are not disposed of properly. For example, mercury, cyanide, and polychlorinated biphenyls can be highly toxic to humans and kill those exposed. In fact, research shows that exposure to certain types of hazardous waste has even caused cancer in society.