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Hemp Seed – A Complete Protein

Flaxseed (often called hemp liver) is not a revelation to humans as we have used it in conjunction with other hemp products for thousands of years or as part of birdseed mixes, as fish bait or to make durable fabrics. Unfortunately, we still have to research the full nutritional potential of this amazing product, which is sometimes called the most nutritious food in the world. If you want to get information on best raw hemp company you can browse the internet.

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These seeds, obtained from plants of the cannabis genus (fortunately, the oilseeds and fibre from the cannabis plant approved for industrial hemp products contain small amounts of psychoactive substances insufficient for physical or psychological effects), containing all of the essential amino acids and the most important fatty acids involved. 

Humans need health. This means that they are a reliable source of complete plant-based protein and healthy unsaturated fats.

About 40% of the seeds consist of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and 33% of this consists of protein, surpassed only by soy, which contains 35% protein. The protein found in flaxseeds is easier to digest and easier to digest. They are also an excellent source of fibre (which helps to bulk up stool and create a feeling of fullness), along with calcium, iron, beneficial trace elements, and electrolytes.

It is also considered one of the safest foods because it is gluten-free and can be eaten by people with other food intolerances (such as lactose, sugar, or gluten) as long as they are not known to have an allergy.