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Photo Booths Are The Hot Thing For Weddings

With the advent of low-cost DSLR cameras, photo booths exploded in popularity during the late 2000s. For a while, many people thought that photo booths were a fad and wouldn’t stay popular, especially for once in a lifetime events like weddings.

However, as technology has improved, the things that companies are doing with photo booths are very cool and popular. Especially with the popularity of social media apps, it becomes more popular. Current photo booths can now include filters and digital props & masks like the popular social media programs. Click to get more information about photo booths.

For couples planning a wedding reception, a must-have vendor is the wedding photographer. And while picture booths started becoming popular just over 10 years ago at weddings, they are even more popular now. With wedding planning websites reporting that 75% of couples have a photobooth of some kind at their wedding. Wedding photo booth experiences are evolving along with the technology.

No longer is a plain DSLR camera connected to a laptop & printer considered a must-have photo station. In today’s wedding marketplace, couples want to have a more interactive photo booth experience at their wedding reception.

Your wedding photo booth should not only have a personalized print template with your names and wedding date, but it should be customized to match the colors and theme for your event. Top photo station rental companies have graphic designers who can create beautiful photo booth print templates for you.