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Reasons Why The Ford Mustang Is Still Number One

The Ford Mustang has a bold American style that has kept it alive for over 40 years in the hearts of car-lovers. Mustang brings back many memories of wandering town owners.

Mustang is appealing to people of all ages and is one of the greatest success stories of car sales ever. Get to know more about Ford mustang 0-60 via searching online.

The Mustang is still one of the best-selling cars in America today. Nearly one of every two sports cars sold in America is the Ford Mustang.

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The short rear deck and typical long hood have been trademarks of the Mustang since the 1960s. Other classic designs are horse badges that run fast in the middle of the grill, C-scoops on the side and three-element tail lights all add to the look and style of the famous pony.

The Ford Mustang is a pure American muscle and has always been respected as a pony car that is never outdated in style or demand.

Mustang has always been the first choice for racers who are looking for performance, good looks, and affordable prices. The history of Mustang is interesting because this is the car that changed the appearance of American sports cars forever.

Back in 1961, Lee Iacocca was the general manager and head of the Ford division. Lee dreams of making small sports cars that are affordable and attractive to the baby boomer market.

The vision turned out to be the Ford Mustang, also known as a pony car. In 1964 on April 16, the first Mustang was sold with 22,000 sales on the first day. Since then, this car has become one of the most famous cars in history. Even though it has undergone many changes over the years, it has always remained true to the image of a sports car.