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Safer Dismissal Procedures To Follow

Dismissal from school must be supervised by school staff in accordance with the procedures described below. Parents / guardians should be responsible for complying with this procedure, continue to care for their children at the end of the school day and make sure that their children follow their instructions to return safely from school. Parents / guardians who fail to pick up their children at the time of dismissal or arrange a safe way home from school can be reported to authorities. Finding software online school dismissal. Some schools have started have using electronic sign in sign out for safe dismissal. 

Supervisory staff

All the teachers are given specific area for ending their class. teachers will see that each student is released in accordance with procedures established by the parent / guardian of Dismissal Form School. If there are teachers who can not keep an eye on during discharge, a replacement will be appointed.

Students who register and participate in the aftercare program / activities after school will go out of their classes to the cafeteria, gym, classroom or other designated areas. In accordance YMCA or Home and School personnel will be present.

It is important to clear your way faster and easier to increase the time of dismissal.

complete dismissal

Except for participants after the treatment, the playground will NOT be monitored or monitored after school hours. All children who are not enrolled in the YMCA program after treatment should be immediately returned to the vehicle bus to pick them up or assigned, and may not play on the school grounds without parental supervision.