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Planning a Destination Wedding: How to Do It the Right Way

Planning a destination wedding can be an exciting and fun thing to do. Destination weddings are great though, it's like having the wedding and honeymoon all rolled into one. Instead of spending a few hours with people you haven't seen in ages, you get to spend a lot more time with them. 

For the people who do make it out to your wedding, it's their vacation as well. There are basically two different types of destination weddings. The type that is just moved to a whole new destination, but all of the planning must be done by you just as you would back home. 

The other type is all-inclusive, where you would pay for a wedding package and have a lot less to worry about. Planning a destination wedding for the first option can be arduous and downright stressful because you might not even be familiar enough with the place to make the right decisions. You can plan a destination wedding in Hawaii via

The pros and cons of a destination wedding - Lonely Planet

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Unless you are able to hire a very competent wedding planner that is located there to oversee everything and help you make those decisions, you're better off looking for an all-inclusive wedding package.

The first order of business comes before planning a destination wedding. Obviously, you should think about the ideal place to have your wedding. Then take a look at the weather conditions for your desired destination during the time of year you expect to get married. 

The next step for planning a destination wedding is creating a budget and then looking for destination packages you can afford.