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How Do You Decide What Are The Best Cigars For Beginners?

This question is difficult to answer and there are different types of thought. The most common advice is to start with a fine, smooth cigar.

That's pretty strong logic. You can also look for the finest cigars for beginners through various online sources.

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New and occasional smokers are often excluded from full cigar intensity. Whenever you hear a  story about someone going sick while using a cigar, they have most likely tried a more complete cigar than they were prepared for.

Another common approach is to analyze a person's culinary preferences and make decisions based on them. 

A person who prefers bright light is expected to prefer smoother smoke. On the other hand, someone who prefers a rich and delicious cuisine will appreciate such a bold cigar.

When in doubt, never ignore an expert. Professional tobacco retailers know the questions you need to ask to find out what a good starter cigar.

Since taste doesn't count, we've put together a fairly diverse list with suggestions for good beginner cigars. Many of them are popular favorites and represent a wide variety of bodies and tastes.

Choosing a cigar is only the first step. Of course, you can always bite into a cigar and light it with a butane torch. But cigars are meant to be enjoyed. In order to get the maximum experience, a beginner must master some basic smoking techniques.