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Soil Vapor Extraction – Environmental Remediation Technique

Environmental remediation is essential since it directly impacts the way we manage our natural environment. It is a branch of science concerned with the elimination of pollutants or environmental pollutants like sediment, surface water groundwater, as well as soil. 

Soil Vapor Extraction 

Soil Vapor extraction is a form of technology for remediation used to treat soil contamination like its name implies. You can also get more information about soil vapor extraction via

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A different, but similar type of technology used for remediation is MPE or Multi-Phase Extraction that is utilized to treat groundwater and soil, but is different from SVE because both techniques employ different kinds of technology.

Soil extraction vapor is broken down into three distinct kinds:

  1. Granular activated Carbon – GAC, also known as Granular Activated Carbon (or GAC) is a technique used to filter water or air. GACs are typically found in kitchen sinks to filter tap water. They're not very effective at getting rid of heavy metals in the water, however.

  2. Thermal oxidation This is another type of technology, but equally effective. However, this technique has been criticized because it releases dioxins into air as exhaust gases.

  3. Vapor condensation Vapor condensation can be thought to be the most efficient treatment technology (off-gas) for large concentrations of streams of vapor. It is also called cryogenic cooling or compression. You can also search online to get more information about soil vapor extraction.