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Why Reusable Bags Are Better Than Plastic Bags

The biodegradable bags are a reasonable alternative to paper and plastic bags. By using biodegradable bags, you not only can carry around your groceries, you too can play your part in preserving the environment. You can buy the best reusable grocery shopping bags via During the year, over 360 billion plastic bags are used in the United States alone. The sad news is that it takes more than 1000 years for plastic bags to break down in landfills.

As plastic bags break them apart into smaller toxic pieces that other creatures inadvertently eat. Most animals do not have the ability to cleanse their body from foreign substances and it is because of this that many of our most exotic species are dying off. Production of plastic shopping bags consumes large amounts of oil that could otherwise be used to meet the demand for our fuel.

By using biodegradable reusable shopping bags you, in your own way, help with fuel crisis. Production of paper bags consume large amounts of trees, and this should be avoided because we are trying to preserve our environment. It takes years for a tree to grow to maturity, and only a few seconds for it to be cut down. Why trees are sacrificed in order for us to transport our groceries?

We must not sacrifice our world just so that we can easily transport our groceries, and in all honesty, why should we? This is where the reusable bags come. Reusable grocery bags are made from recycled and biodegradable materials. They are extremely rugged and reliable and can be used repeatedly.