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Why Switzerland Is The Best Country For Gold Storage

A growing number of high net worth individuals are choosing to store some of their gold holdings internationally. They are protected in the event that political winds shift in their country of birth or residence. 

Here are some reasons that Switzerland is the best place to store long-term gold.

     Switzerland is well defended militarily

When it comes to international gold coin storage it is essential to store your holdings in a country that can defend itself from external attack. Before buying gold, people always think about vaulting & security.

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Although Switzerland doesn't have a stockpile of atomic weapons at the moment, its conventional military forces are strong enough to withstand any attack or invasion from either the Allied or Axis powers. 

This feat is truly remarkable. The combination of this rugged terrain and well-trained citizens to defend their country ensures that the Swiss will be at peace for many years.

     Switzerland is financially well-off

Corrupt, tyrannical, and fiscally reckless governments will almost always end in deep debt, running up deficits, and driving their economies to ruin. They will try to take what wealth their citizens have accumulated. 

The Swiss government is low-corruption, fiscally responsible, and doesn't run large deficits. This means that they have no reason to steal wealth from their citizens or those who store gold within their borders. 

Anybody who has been to the wonderful cities of Geneva and Zurich can clearly see that the Swiss have a lot of their own wealth, so they have no reason ever to take yours.