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Tips to Become a Freelance Web Designer in Auckland

Over the years, web designing has become more and more widespread skill. Long gone are the days when a "webmaster" was in charge of everything -from designing pages to writing content and promoting the site. All while making a good living out of this.

Today everybody is a web designer. The free and paid-for software application allows creating a complete theme, or skin, for a website with no knowledge of XHTML, CSS, or Photoshop. Not to mention all the graduates from public and private courses that were trained to create web sites, pages, and content management systems.

You can hire freelance web designer & developers at Freelance Web.

So it may look like there's little to no reason to become a freelance web designer today. But this is not entirely true. As much the tools have advanced, they are still just that: tools. They may randomize background images and create a pleasing color scheme, but they lack the mind and the skill of an individual.

And, unfortunately, so do many webdesigners that create websites with no aesthetic value, hard to navigate and look at. Sites, in one word, that can not convert their visitors into repeated visitors. Also, despite owning maybe the entire Creative Suite, they only fire up Photoshop and neglect such a powerhouse as After Effects is for Web Video creation.

And that's all, the three tips that will help you in making a living from freelancing web design are already in front of your eyes, but let's have a look in detail at each one of them:

Provide value only a trained human can provide. Machines are great timesavers, and someone using a $100 application can produce twenty web sites faster than you can plan the first.

But they will all be similar, cookie-cutter produced, templates. The kind of site that doesn't reflect the site owner's goals and expectations. To make this clear, and spell it out on your LinkedIn profile or Facebook page: you do care for your customer the way a factory-style designer will never be able to do.