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What To Look For In Pet-Friendly Artificial Grass?

Synthetic grass is a popular alternative to natural grass. This is an eco-friendly option that doesn't require regular maintenance and will stay great year-round.

For animals, artificial grass is suitable for pets because it is a safe material for them and is more comfortable under the paws than traditional artificial grass. You can visit this website to buy dog-friendly artificial turf.

What to look for in pet-friendly artificial turf?

Several factors can affect your artificial turf experience and overall longevity. Below are the main factors to watch out for.

Texture: Pet grass is made with your dog in mind. Compared to traditional sturdy grass, our pet-friendly version is slightly bumpy and flat to make you feel better under your feet.

Areal Weight: Face weight of artificial turf is the number of synthetic fibers for each square yard. The amount of ounces used for the face weight doesn't contain the backing turf. Face weights range between 40 and 90 oz. However, we recommend a limit of 60 oz for active dogs. The higher the weight of the dog's face will last, the longer the life of the turf!

Versatility: Fashionable artificial green grass for many environments! You can incorporate lawn sections in residential and commercial spaces for interior decoration and comfort. Plus, if you're feeling inspired by nature, artificial green grass can help you bring a feeling of positivity, freshness, and serenity into your home.