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Importance of Product and Public Liability Insurance for Retail Businesses

As retail businesses have direct interaction with the general public (customers), they are more likely to face liability claims from the customers.

Retail business owners may face liability when their business is held accountable for injuries caused to the visitors; even when the visitor's property is damaged either due to the negligence of the store management or due to the defective product sold by the retail outlet. You can get more details about the amazon seller insurance via

Hence, it becomes necessary for a retail business to have two important kinds of liability insurances – public liability insurance and product liability insurance – to survive in the marketplace.

In this article, we will look at what the policy covers and how they help for the retail business.

General insurance offers cover against claims made by third parties (public / customers) injury or damage to their property in the place of business. This insurance covers the legal costs together with medical costs.

But, it does not offer cover for damage caused by any products sold by retail businesses. Thus, there arises a need for an insurance policy that protects the retail business from claims involving defective products.

Product liability insurance protects the business from claims related to damage caused by using a defective product that is sold by the retailer. For example, if a retailer sells a defective product to customers who injure people or cause damage to property, the claims resulting from this event came under the product liability insurance.