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Holographic Projection Float Paths

Holographic technology is getting closer to reality and soon we can see data on our computers in 3D, 4D, and 5D. We will enjoy Virtual Reality at our 360 X-Box in our living room. Military strategists and warfighters can play battles in the virtual battle room first and then watch them fold in real-time.

One application, which has not yet been mentioned, is the potential for pilots to project the glide path in front of them as they fly, actually watching their aircraft (full size) in front of them. All they have to do is follow the projection and match their plane with the angle and speed of the holographic projection plane in front.

Projections will be set for the safest sliding lanes, avoid building turbulence and become the most efficient decent fuel. This will make flying easier and a great training tool for new pilots to build their hours and skills.

This will ensure proper wind direction to the base and base to the final approach, with perfect angles, without steep edges, and help pilots land at perfect speed on the doorstep. In addition, this Holographic Projection will be recorded and used to train air traffic controllers and is used by flight instructors to supervise to ensure student pilots arrive properly.  

Holographic technology has almost arrived and the progress of science like that has the potential to solve many problems of safety and efficiency in flight in the present period and in-room security in the following period. Think about this.