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Getting The Best Results From Botox For Crows Feet In Singapore

Botox injections have been used to treat a wide variety of medical and cosmetic conditions for decades. The first FDA-approved use of Botox was to treat sluggish eyes and muscle spasms. 

In addition to these uses, Botox has been shown to be effective in treating everything from excessive bladder cramps and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) to migraines and nerve-related leg pain. However, Botox is best known for its cosmetic uses.

Small wrinkles around the eyes that become more pronounced when laughing, blinking or smiling are called crow's feet. Botox crows feet injections relaxes the muscles that make up these lines so they can't contract. It works by blocking chemical signals that travel from your nerves to your muscles, telling them to work.

Unwanted lines and wrinkles on the face, if they are not too big, can be helped by expert botox injections. There are muscles that raise the eyebrows and there are those that pull them down. 

The key to a successful eyebrow lift is to relax the facial muscles that pull the eyebrows down. At the same time, the muscles that pull up take control, making the eyes appear more open and alive. If done properly, raising the eyebrows can have a profound effect and help the patient look fresh.

Most patients can expect to see a height of 2 millimeters, which doesn't sound like much, but shows a marked increase in the face.

A board-certified plastic surgeon has spent years studying the specialized theories and techniques important to cosmetic and plastic surgery. Most have injected hundreds of patients. You will always get the best results from your Botox injections if you only go to a trained, accredited, and experienced plastic surgeon.