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Fire Safety – What Are The Five Types of Fire Extinguishers?

A fire extinguisher can definitely be a life saving tool in certain situations, but did you know there are different types of fire extinguishers for different types of fires? 

There are five different types of fire extinguishers. You can get to know more related to home fire extinguisher via

Class A

This extinguisher is used for flammable materials as common as cloth, rubber, paper, wood and many plastics.

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Class B

The extinguisher should be used on fires involving flammable liquids. Grease, gasoline and oil paint are all flammable liquids that this department will be working on.

Class C

This fire is good for fires involving equipment, tools or other electronic equipment that will be energized or plugged into a wall outlet.

Class D

This extinguisher is designed for use on flammable metals, usually in factories that work with metal.

K class

These extinguishers are used on fires involving animal oils, vegetable oils or fats in cooking appliances.


There is also a multi-purpose fire extinguisher in the market that has a label with more than one of the classes listed above will work for some situations and fires.

When faced with a situation where you may have to use a fire extinguisher, there are a few things to think about before actually using the extinguisher. portable fire extinguishers are designed for use in large houses to contain a small fire immediately. However, you must remember extinguisher is small and can not fight a major fire alone. 


If you keep a fire extinguisher in your home, you will need to ensure they are maintained properly so that they will work properly when called upon to use. Some things to remember include keeping the fire in the area where he is likely to be needed if something happens.