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Direct Mail Marketing Tips For Retailers

If you're a retailer, here are some lean direct mail marketing tips to show you how to get people to show up at your front door. If you're in a service business, here are direct mail tips that show you how to get your phone to ring.

Track Response of All Your Direct Mail

Learn what's working in your direct mail marketing, and just as important, what isn't. Leave a memo pad by each phone and when you receive a call – at the very beginning of the conversation – say, "And how did you hear of us?"

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Image Source: Google

Write down the response on the memo pad, and throw that slip of paper in a specific drawer and forget about it. At the end of the month tally, all the slips up and you'll have a pretty darn good idea which direct mail campaign brought in the most customers.

The Best Direct Mail Campaign Ever: Mail to your house list

No matter what industry you're in, what you're selling, or what type of business you own, your direct mail strategy and your direct response email campaign should have a single priority: to mail regularly to your house list. This is the lowest cost and most effective direct marketing strategy you can have.

Preferred customer sales, private sales, pre-sale access before you open to the general public – make your house mailing list people feel special. They are. Start by collecting current customer's names and addresses. If you don't have a customer "house file" – a list of the names and addresses of all your customers – start one now. This will become your most valuable asset.