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Difference Between Personalized Employment Pass and Employment Pass

Employment Pass (EP) is a pass directed at foreign professionals working in a managerial or executive position or in any specialized field.

The Personalised Employment Pass and the Employment Work Pass have some common features, including dependents privileges (able bring family members under Long-Term Visit Pass or Dependant’s Pass), mobility to travel within Singapore without visas, and the ability to apply to Permanent Resident status if certain criteria are met.

However, there are also significant differences. These are the differences:

The Employment Pass holder, on the other hand, is only bound to one employer and is not subject to the PEP.

The validity of PEP is for three years. It is not renewable. Employment Pass, however, is valid up until 2 years.

Salary criteria. Holders of PEP must earn at least SG$18,000, while for Employment Pass the minimum salary qualification is SG$4,500.

The applicant can apply for PEP, but not the employer.

It is not required that you have a job in Singapore before applying for PEP. However, you will need to have an offer letter from a company in Singapore and a detailed job description. Only then can you apply for an Employment Pass.

The strength of individual merits is what determines approval of the PEP, while for Employment Pass the approval is tied directly to the applicant’s personal and professional qualifications, specialized skills, work experience, and salary.