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Characteristics of a Good Preschool In Turramurra

Pre-school education is established as the basis for a successful education and even for success in adult life. But not all preschools are created equal, even the most expensive ones. The following are the characteristics and qualities that a good preschool In Turramurra must possess:

Clean and safe place. This is non-negotiable for preschoolers. We are talking about children under the age of six who regularly attend classes. It's also important to feel safe on the way to school. A good preschool should take care of not only the mental but also the physical well-being of the child. 

Safe facilities. It is not enough to create space if we want high-quality public preschools. There are the basic amenities that children need at all times and the facilities needed to keep the school comfortable and safe. Simply put, preschools should have toilets, showers, separate sewer areas, a first aid clinic or box, non-slip floors, and cupboards for toys and other materials. 

Nice atmosphere. Preschools should have a child-friendly atmosphere. Classrooms should have good ventilation and good lighting. Positive and colourful pictures and designs should be visible to children. Staff and teachers should be helpful, friendly and responsive. Children should be able to see that they are having fun in class and that a school is a place where they can play and learn.

Trained and caring teacher. Serious efforts in preschool education must be accompanied by a desire to invest in teacher training or retraining. Educators need to know how to learn the alphabet and counting, how to read fairy tales and sing songs, how to motivate children through play, and how to lead classes for young children.